Friday, September 23, 2011

Pen and Ink Challenge belated photos

Here they are finally.......

 These two I did with ink and brush as my pen was running out of ink

 Before my pen finally died I managed to do this. The crooked little deer is actually done in pencil

But I went and bought two good calligraphy pens, and so my sketches improved a little

There have been a few days in which I haven't done a sketch but I always catch up by doing two pages on the next day. So it's more like a seventy-sketches-in-seventy-days challenge.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

About Ink Drawings and a Cute Little Shop

  I'm sorry I haven't been able to post my ink sketches for over a week, but I have been doing them! I bought two new pens so my inspiration has been refreshed. It is SO uninspiring trying to draw with a lumpy ball point pen which is running out of ink! I will take photos of them all when Dad comes home with the camera.  :)

  I have put some of my work in a little craft shop, co-op, in our little local town. Yesterday I went in for a training day as I am going to work in there two days a month.

Isn't it such a cute li'l shop!

   And guess what. I sold a painting!! And it had been hanging for only a couple of hours. And to a man who doesn't like horses, so he said! This is the one he bought, it was my first oil painting of a horse. I painted it last year, about this time.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Pen and Ink Challenge #12

Pen and Ink Challenge #6-10

I haven't been able to post sketches from the last several days as Dad's been away with the camera. 

If you draw a squiggle so that the lines cross each-other anywhere except at a crossing of two lines and colour alternate shapes, it all works out evenly without exception.

Really, I play the violin every day but you would never guess I even know what one looks like from these sketches! 

My fountain pen gave out

So I used brush and ink for the next one

And a rather uninspired one with a pen which was running out of ink.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Pastel Painting

I can't add my ink sketch photos for a few days as Dad is away with the camera, but I'm still at it every day. Above is the pastel painting I did for the exhibition.  I'll take a better photo of it when I get the painting back. 

Friday, September 2, 2011

Pen and Ink #5

Pen and ink sketch from Vermeer's Girl With a Purl Earring.

Playing Palimino

My latest painting! I did this as a commission, and I could choose what to paint myself, as long as it was a horse and not just any horse but a painting of Horse! That is the best kind of commission! :) I painted it in Water soluble oils on canvass.

Pen and Ink #4

Photo reference: Kimerlee Curyl Photography

Thursday, September 1, 2011