
Wednesday, November 11, 2015

The Art of a Hut Exhibition!

   Finally all the framing done! All my forty works for The Art of a Hut Collection art down at the gallery in Whagarei and I helped hang half of them on Monday, 9th. Next Monday the other two rooms of the gallery will be available and then my work will full the entire gallery for two weeks. That explains why the opening evening is not until Wednesday the 18th, I wanted to have that when all my pictures would be up on display.

   Here are some photos of the pictures freshly framed and just before we took them all of down to the gallery. They look really stunning in their kauri frames beautifully made by my boat-builder father. We borrowed a mat board cutter and I cut all the mats myself. The black mat edge looks really good, and hanging on the gallery walls they look amazing. I hope to get some good photos and videos at the gallery to share with those of you who can't make it there.

    Everyone is welcome to come to the opening evening which is on Wednesday 18th November 2015 from 5:30 - 7pm. Here is a link to that invitation and to my event page on facebook.

   Here is a bit of writing I did for the gallery about me and is what is written on the poster above:

  'I am a young and ambitious artist from the Far North. Beauty, Art, and Adventure are my inspirations. Learning the craft of painting and conveying, in the language of art, the beauty and emotion that I see and feel is my passion. I love landscape painting, and working en plein air (in open air) combines this perfectly with my love of the outdoors. I am at the beginning of my journey as an artist and already it has taken me places I had never heard of before. For the past two years I have been exploring the wilderness while working on a collection of drawings and paintings of North Island backcountry huts. I have tramped to and drawn or painted forty-five huts in the Kaimais, Te Ureweras, Kawekas, Ruahines, Tararuas Ranges, the Whanganui National Park, Orongorongo Valley, and sailed to a few down the coast of Northland. I aim to continue traveling to new places with my work, learning from the masters of the past and present, and, in turn, contributing my own visions of beauty and life.' -Felicity Deverell.

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