
Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Work and Horses

   I've just had a lovely weekend away from the internet. Our friends came over to stay and we went to the ceili, (Irish dancing--heaps of fun), tree felling (well, the boys did that and we watched when we weren't baking and making daisy chains!), and late nights with some good conversations and laughter. And of course, watching the America's Cup every morning thinking it will be the last day. But it's not over yet, and there's still another day of racing to go. Come on New Zealand!


 This week I'm working on a big commission similar to the one I did recently of three horses. Yesterday I did five hours on it, and it's looking good, I'm looking forward to working on it today.

  But I've still got to go outside and ride the horses back up the road. They have run out of grass in their paddock so I'm going for a ride in the rain. This evening I will blog again about some exiting news for The Art of a Hut project!

1 comment:

  1. OOh! Can't wait to hear an update! Your letter is on its way--I sent it a week and a half ago (for the first time) but it came back after 5 days because the P.O. couldn't figure that "NZ" meant "New Zealand". :P Anyway, it's gone again now but that's why there is a delay. :D
