Tuesday, July 2, 2013

A New Start and New Ideas (In other words, I'm back!)

  Well, here I am again. I have taken a long unannounced break from the blogging world, but am back in full force, full of ideas and inspiration. It was good to have a break, sometimes the internet becomes so overwhelming I don't want to see a computer screen ever again. But I've run that out of my system and I'm excited about blogging again; sharing my ideas and learning from all my fellow artists out there.

   I'm finally discovering what the picture of my future career as an artist looks like and I am making new goals and exciting plans for the coming year. In fact it's quite a big project that a friend and I have hatched up. I wont say anything about it yet for it is barely a week old, but I will say it involves something like in the pictures below!

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