Wednesday, September 19, 2012

My exciting Monday Mornings, among other things.

  I always start my week of with a bang. I seem to have the most energy and focus on a Monday morning than any other morning, which dose not quite agree with the generally accepted rule! I always begin my most ambitious painting and do the most amount of work on a Monday. Tuesdays are pretty good too, then Wednesdays I begin to lag and usually it goes down hill from there until on the weekends I hardly get anything done painting wise. And then Monday comes round again and I begin with a new spurt of determination and drive.

   I read this short article about weeding gardens yesterday and it has some relevance to this topic. My weeds grow very quickly and are choking me up by the end of the week. From now on I intend to a little weeding every day. It really dose work, chipping away at the old block has to produce some effect eventually. I have always had a time of it trying to get myself motivated to do more paintings and pictures and not just wait for those moments of inspiration. And I have noticed lately that I have come along way for I am working on some picture every day, and even in the weekends I at least to a few sketches! Mum is always saying that good writing (for she is a writer) is %10 inspiration and %90 perspiration and this applies perfectly to the artist, dose it not? Combine this with the saying 'the more you work the stronger you get' and pretty soon inspiration will be a more frequent visitor. It was quite a happy discovery for me!

 Well, I've begun my Wednesday morning with a blog post, that's a good start, now I'm off to finish a painting. I'm videoing it so there will be speed painting video coming your way soon. :) And don't forget to subscribe to my new monthly newsletter! See right to submit your email.

  A small sketch I did in my small A5 sketchbook last month. This is pretty much actual size.


  1. Wonderfuly done! I love the balance between light and shadows..


  2. Thank you very much! I rather liked this drawing, but no one else seems to agree with me! :)
